This book is called...
Thunderstone by Barbara Pietron

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: November 12th, 2013
Sneaking out at night, driving without a license, and falling for a guy weren’t things fifteen-year-old Jeni expected to do while visiting Lake Itasca, Minnesota with her family. The guy, Ice, turns out to be the local medicine man’s apprentice, and when he tells Jeni she’s connected to the spirit world, her first instinct is to run. But after Ice’s stories of a mythical underwater monster—that Jeni allegedly released—prove true, she realizes it’s up to her to contain the beast. Jeni must first convince herself that she’s able, and then save the locals, Ice, and ultimately herself.
My rating: 5 out of 5 dream stones!
My recommendation: People who want an original story, especially one that involves Native American Indian mythology.
My review:
My copy was provided to me by Netgalley.
Jeni just thought she was going on a trip with her family, including her annoying cousin, to scatter the ashes of her grandfather in Lake Itasca. When she stopped at a gas station with her cousin, she just wanted to get a souvenir of her trip. She didn't think anything of the statue of a cat with scales except that it looked unusual. But that's when she met Shattered Ice aka Ice and everything went both wrong and right. Now Jeni must try to help Ice and Nik to seal a water beast, an underwater Manitou. She must learn the legends, she must learn how to control her powers, all while trying to be there for her family. Jeni has help, however, with Ice and her cousin, Tyler, who might not be as annoying as she thought.
The good:
I loved the mythology in this book! Many YA books involve Greek mythology and it's becoming more common. But the folk lore in this book was entirely different! Thunderstone is based on Native American mythology, myths that are still believed today. What I liked so much about this mythology is how it's still told of today. The Native Americans still have medicine men and they are still practicing magic. So many cultures have abandoned their myths for their version of reality, but Native Americans still believe.
The book tells a few tales of mythology, but doesn't totally overload you with information that you won't remember.
Jeni is a likable main character who, while falling in love with Ice and going on dangerous missions, doesn't forget about her family. She wants to protect the innocents who died from the underwater beast while some actual people would just think, "not my problem,". She doesn't fall instantly in love with Ice. She gradually gets to know him, she fights with him, and she doubts him instead of other girls in different books who think the guy is absolutely perfect.
Ice is like an actual teen guy. I loved when the point of view switched to him. He had hormones and he had his own problems. I loved him and I loved Tyler!
This book isn't all about the romance. The main point of this book stays the main point without getting sidetracked by romance. Jeni has to trust Ice and herself to stop the monster from killing anymore lives. She must discover her heritage and embrace her powers to save innocents. This book had a lot if action and was unpredictable at times. There was also humor in this book with Tyler, who I absolutely loved.
Pietron included such detail, especially on the beast itself. When Jeni saw the beast for the first time, the descriptions made my skin crawl. If I saw the beast in real life, I would've run away as fast as I could. It was so vivid and amazing.
The ending was amazing and wrapped up quite nicely, but I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel.
The bad:
I couldn't find anything bad about this book! It was awesome! It did seem a bit too coincidental when Jeni fell in the water with the statue in her pocket. But it also made sense so I didn't mind.
I can't wait for the sequel and I will definitely buy it!
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