I recommend having salt if you live in a haunted house.
Anyway, my blabbering has a reason. I read a book about ghosts, but this wasn't a ghost looking for revenge. Think of Casper.
Here's the book... The Lost Boys by Lilian Carmine

Format: Paperback/e-book
Pub. Date: October 24th, 2013
An intensely addictive romance novel about girls, ghosts, and forbidden love, ideal for fans of Stephenie Meyer
Fate has brought them together. But will it also keep them apart? Having moved to a strange town, 17-year-old Joey Gray is feeling a little lost, until she meets a cute, mysterious boy near her new home. But there’s a very good reason why Tristan Halloway is always to be found roaming in the local graveyard. Perfect for fans of Stephenie Meyer and Lauren Kate, The Lost Boys is a magical, romantic tale of girl meets ghost.
My rating: 4 out of 5 ghosts!
My recommendation: Anyone who likes ghosts, music, and a whole lot of fluff.
My review:
My copy was provided to me by Netgalley.
At one point or another, everyone has hated their name. Most of the time, it's for having the name of Rainbow or Sunshine. Well, Joey might sound like a boy's name, but being named Joe when you're a girl is terrible. But Joe has lived with her name her whole life and that's been the only thing weird about her. Until she moved to a new town and met a boy who never seemed to leave the cemetery. Tristan talked weird, acted oddly, and never let Joe touch him. It was pretty obvious to me, but it took Joe awhile. Basically until she pushed him and she went right through him.
Now, this book isn't an ordinary ghost book. Nope, this book involves the ghost becoming human, reapers, and even Death makes an appearance once or twice. Now, while this may seem confusing, you must factor in a couple of old witches too!
This book was really cute and funny. The beginning had such premise. It sounded so good and it made me want to know more about the witches, to know more about Joey's powers. The middle of the book is where it kind of fell through for me.
You'd think a paranormal book would have a lot of ghost stuff, right? Well, the middle of the book is all fluff basically. There's barely any mention about the supernatural and it's all about Joey and her friends. It's like the book changed to contemporary when all Joey cared about was dances, music, and getting Tristan to love her. It was all about teen angst and such and it kind of got boring after awhile.
But it was still very cute! I love all the side characters, all of Joey's friends. I especially loved Harry and how all the guys made him strip. The banter between everyone was hilarious. This book made me laugh out loud at times, which a book hardly ever makes me do. Even though the book was mostly fluff, I still enjoyed it.
The ending more than made up for the fluff. At first, it was kind of weird and it felt like everything was piling up way too fast, but it all made sense and created an action packed ending. The emotions these characters felt really made this book feel alive.
Even though this book is a pretty lengthy read, it didn't feel long to me at all. It was pretty fast paced and it kept me amused the whole time. I loved the romance between Joey and Tris and it made me awe at times.
The make out scenes (and more) were definitely very exciting.
I loved this book and if it wasn't just for the abundance of fluff, I would have loved this book even more.
I can't wait to read the sequel; I'm practically dying to read it!
If you want hotness overload with some ghosts and witches thrown in, this is definitely your kind of book!
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