Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Truth be told (look at the title) this book is a paranormal book. What I liked (besides the cute romance) was how the author told the book in the voice of a teenager, not a middle aged lady (or man) trying to be a girl with hormones raging. No offense, of course. I love it when books are in that tone, it makes it so much more memorable. Kind and sweet Lend, now, that's what a girl needs. A little overprotectiveness can be a little overbearing at times, but it just shows he cares (except with Edward Cullen, he's a stalker). Read this!
Covers and alternates!

House of Night series by P.C Cast
This series has (of course) vampires that bite with magic and seduction laced in. If you haven't started this book series, read it! Okay, this book has A LOT of romance in it. The main character, Zoey Redbird, has, basically, a love hexagon. Seriously, she has (or had in some cases) five guys in love with her. Now, that's a little over the top even though I loved this series.
More covers! Note: there are many covers for this one so I won't do them all.

Divergent (of course) by Veronica Roth
Romance with dystopia! With a world in ruin, it's hard to find true love, but Tris easily found it hidden in the Dauntless camp with a boy named Four. Now, where have I heard the name Four before in a book/movie with the title having the word Four in it? Anyway, this book had the wait until the last minute romance when at the end of the book, the romance is revealed with usually a hard, passionate kiss. It's not bad, but it does make you want to scream in frustration about "when are they going to kiss?!" Still, good book!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Awww, the book people are raving for, a movie in production, who do you choose, Peeta or Gale? Okay, obviously everyone has heard of this book unless you're living under a rock and you don't really need to know about the love triangle here. One thing is that the couple, Katniss and Peeta, keep being torn apart and I want them to be together! Arg!
Too many covers!

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
Quickly rising in the charts, steam punk and dystopia fight it out in an all out war with this book and the Hunger Games as the rivals. Normally, I don't like historical romances, but this book was awesome! I am so thankful I wasn't born in the ages of corsets. Awesome romance where the female is stronger than the man. We need more of that!
I hate corsets!

ANYTHING by Sarah Dessen
All of her books are superb! The romances, the seduction, the mystery all tie together in these novels by this fabulous author all wrapped up in books without any supernatural. Gasp! Well, her books are awesome, one of the best romance authors around. One of her most recent YA books was What Happened to Goodbye. Here's some covers!

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Such a cute, odd story that fashionistas will surely love. This book had some crazy things going on (especially with her odd choice of clothes) but it had the much desired boy next door inside. Who doesn't want a childhood friend who has lived next door forever to fall in love with you? The bad thing about those kind of relationships is that either one only looks at the other as a sister/brother or the feelings of love has gone on forever unnoticed that it's frustrating. I just want them to get together already! Jeez, just read this!
Purple hair is so in right now.

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
I saw this book at the bookstore a few months ago and I really wanted it, but didn't have enough money so I decided to get it from the library. Sadly, I forgot the name of the book and I soon forgot about it for awhile until I was just going through some titles of books to see if I wanted them when I saw this title and I was like, yay! I got it from the library and this book is terrific! It has a love triangle and a loss that will make you want to cry. I definitely recommend it!
This one has a ton of different editions.

Don't Stop Now by Julie Halpern
This book was extremely weird talking about space themed hotel rooms, cheese, road trips, cheese, and did I mention cheese? Yeah, this book was very odd, but it was a book mostly with fluff that made you giggle. If you want a light read with a little romance laced in somewhere, this is a book that will make you laugh out loud, literally.
Road trip!

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Yeah, I already talked about this book once or twice, but it was awesome! The covers are cute, the romance is frustrating, cute, and sad at the same time. Also, this book was pretty long and I read it all through without being able to stop. Read this if you want a French themed book with, yes, a little French kissing of course.
Paris, ooh la la!

That's all for now! Look at my IMM later this week, I just bought three books from Barnes and Noble that I'm sure you will enjoy. I had found a $25 gift card hidden under my bed yesterday and I already spent it all, yay!
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